The best way for swimmers to get stronger is through resistance training.

resistance training with swimming

Many people have the wrong idea about swimmers who do strength training. For example, some people might think it’s a dangerous exercise that will hurt them or make them too big to swim. But, in the end, strength training can help swimmers take their technique to the next level if it is done right.

Plus, it can lower the risk of getting hurt, fix muscle imbalances, and make you faster. Here, we’ll talk about some of the best ways for swimmers to get stronger, both in and out of the water.

Bench Press

A dumbbell bench press is one of the best exercises for swimmers to do in the weight room.

The exercise makes the shoulders move more naturally and gives them a wider range of motion. In addition, by working each arm separately, you can fix muscle imbalances and relieve stress on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders.


Swimmers use their legs a lot to move around in the water. Regularly doing squats helps swimmers in two ways. First, it gives them more power and speed when jumping off the block. Second, it gives you more power and speed when you turn.

Jump squats are one of the best kinds of squats. You can do them without any equipment or with a pair of weights. If swimmers want to strengthen their core, they should do front squats instead of back squats.


This kind of strength training works well on many of the same muscles swimmers use to move through the water. It strengthens your traps, forearms, arms, shoulders, and lats.

Glute Bridges

In swimming, the glutes, hamstrings, calves, and lower back, which are all at the bottom of the body, provide a lot of power. The glute bridge strengthens the glutes and core muscles and makes the body more stable.

Broad Jumps

The start is one of the most crucial components of swimming. The amount of power and explosiveness of the push-off accounts for a large portion of the pool’s speed.

Try the broad jump to improve your jump’s velocity and distance. Swimmers can gradually increase their velocity and have more powerful push-offs by standing with their feet shoulder distance apart and blasting forward off the ground.


The location of a swimmer’s body in the pool is critical. A strong core and glutes are essential for keeping the back straight and maintaining proper posture. A firm plank also decreases the risk of injury.

Reverse Fly 

The reverse fly adds more power to a swimmer’s strokes and helps to maintain good posture by working the upper back and shoulders. Resistance training bands or dumbbells can be used for this exercise.

Chop wood.

One of the best exercises for strengthening the core and obliques is chopping wood. The twisting and rotation that occurs throughout the workout are remarkably similar to that which occurs during swimming.

Superman on his knees

Swimmers who have discovered that one side of their body is weaker than the other can execute a kneeling superman to strengthen that side. Swimmers can execute this weight room routine with or without weights.

It’s done by getting down on all fours, lifting the opposite arm and leg, holding for a few seconds, lowering it, and repeating the process on the other side. Arms, legs, abs, and back muscles are all strengthened by repeating these activities.

Rotational Medicine Ball Lunge

Swimmers need hips that are flexible. While working on the quads, glutes, and core, this exercise also improves balance and spatial awareness. This strength exercise for swimmers enhances lower body strength as well as hip flexibility, allowing for improved push-off from the block.

Swimmers can improve their skills and technique by combining aerobic and strength training in equal amounts. At Friendly Dolphin Swim School, we’re glad to assist both novice and experienced swimmers in improving their technique. To learn more, please contact us immediately.

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